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liverpool fc fo...'s details
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i pledge allegiance to breaking the self imposed barriers of my humainess.i regonize that my time on this planet is precious and limited.every day is a canvas on wich i can create.every day is an oppurtnity for me to move in the direction of my dreams and the expanded vision i feel inside by setting aside petty grievances,past mistakes,missled anger and my broken story.i pledge to move forward and embrace the experience of freedom right here right nowMusic: soft rock and indieTV: psych,two and a half men,an idiot abroadSports: the davinci code.the shankill butchersInterests: the gym,liverpool fcMovies: 2012,due date,from paris with love,schindlers list.the hurt lockerBestFeatures: my left nippleDreams: to retire early
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